Accident Repairs

If your motor home or caravan has sustained accident damage report it to your insurance company as soon as possible then bring it in to us and we can assess the damage, prepare and submit an estimate of costs to your insurance company and deal with any issues which may emerge in the course of the process.

We will keep you advised of progress and hopefully remove much of the stress normally involved and afterwards return your vehicle professionally repaired to original condition.

At Maynooth Motorhomes we carry out repairs to all makes of motor homes and caravans.

The nature and types of damage which can occur varies enormously and we have made repairs caused by collision/ impact, water, fire, stress cracking, chemical among the many.

Gerry Percival has many years experience in the areas of coach building and cabinet making.

The areas overlap often in the knowledge base, materials and the skills that they require.

He is responsible for specifying the materials and techniques used in the repair of all damaged coachwork, woodwork and furniture that we undertake and, has extensive experience in the use and repair of steel, fibreglass, aluminium, wood and other materials used in the coach work business.

We also provide a panel beating service to our customers where damage to base vehicles can be repaired to restore them to original condition.

We can obtain panels, doors, bumpers, glass, mirrors, trims etc. required to carry out the work.

Over the years we have carried out many types of repairs to numerous makes and models, from the minor to the very major where entire side, back or roof panels must be replaced with new. Where panels are no longer available we can reproduce to original manufacturers specifications in our dedicated woodworking shop. This well equipped space is also used to carry out furniture manufacture or repair when required.

We can repair or reproduce bumpers or other plastic and fibreglass components if required.

We also offer a service to customers that require alterations to internal features and furniture in order to provide additional or specific functionality.

Where damage to external panels extends into the living area, inner wall surface materials must be repaired or replaced. We carry a large range of sheeting materials to ensure good matching may be obtained. We also stock a wide array of door locks, hinges, catches, stays and other trims and fittings needed to restore original finishing.